Welcome to the Mixed Section of our Club which offers a warm welcome, and encourages participation in a range of events, competitions, and friendly matches with the emphasis firmly on having fun.
All events are open to Meadows, Lakes and Junior members. Socialising post golf in the Clubhouse is an important aspect of the Mixed Section.
There are four main competitions played on Easter Monday to the August Bank Holiday weekends. These are generally light hearted competitions although there are trophies and prizes, generously donated by sponsors, to be won. There is no restriction on the numbers who wish to play.
In addition there are friendly Inter-Club competitions where an integral part of the event is socialising post golf.
Our 'Nine and a Bite' Friday evening 9-Hole competition with a bar meal to follow is very popular. These take place at roughly 3-week intervals soon after Easter and are a mixture of different competition types. All aimed at fun and enjoyment. A great way to start the weekend.